Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God's Got a Sense of Humor: Fleeing Naked

Typically we think of God and we think of His power, His majesty, ... judgment and wrath, or love and forgivess. Often it is the more grand aspects of His being that we think about. However, I do come across something from time to time that reminds me of his sense of humor. We are created in His likeness after all, so why would it be a stretch to think humor is one of those qualities we get from our divine heritage?

As you may know, I tend to be more of a literalist when it comes to the bible. I believe it is the inspired Word of God and take to heart where Paul tells Timothy that "all scripture is usefull for teaching... and training in righteousness." (2 Tim 3:16) But every now and then I come across a passage that makes me scratch my head and wonder what God was thinking when He wrote it.

Mark 14:51-52 is one such passage. Indeed it is where this little slice of cyberspace gets its name. Jesus is in the Garden. Judas and the high priest just came with the soldiers to arrest Him. In all the commotion there's an unknown disciple who the guards also try to grab. "A young man, wearing nothing but a lenin garment, was following Jesus. When they siezed him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind."

For a long time I just chuckled at that passage, scratching my head and wondering why God would put it in there. Then it came to me: sacrifice.

There are many things in this world that we possess. Things that are not necessarilly good or bad in and of themselves. Maybe even something we hold dear. Like the young man and his garment. It's all he had with him. The garment itself isn't bad. However, at this moment in the garden of Gethsemane, this simple article of clothing became an instrument used to capture and bind him. But he had a choice. All he needed to do to attain his freedom was be willing to give up his garment.

This is no easy choice. Let's not be too quick to assume it was. This garment is the only clothes he had on. To give it up would be embarrassing and would leave him vulnerable. Not to mention he would have had to make his way home through the streets of Jerusalem ... exposed.

But this is no different than what we face. Instead of a lenin garment, our snare is money, a job, a relationship, music, tv, books or even friends. At one point in time for me it was talk radio. I spent so much time listening to political radio I was just angry all the time. Certainly staying informed on current events is not a bad thing, but for me it had become a bondage that kept me in bitterness and frustration. Through the blessing that God gave me named Mollie (my lovely wife) God opened my eyes to the fact that frustration and bitterness had seized me. And to escape I needed to be willing to let go and flee. And I did.

We often let ourselves get so attached to earthly things (even people or habits) that they become an opportunity for the devil to lay hold of us. Once that happens, we must be willing to give up those things and flee ... even though doing so can often leave us feeling naked and vulnerable.

Of all the ways God could have gotten that message across to me ... He used a streaker in the Garden of Gethsemane. Who says doesn't have a sense of humor?


  1. "And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts" Exodus 33:23.

    Like I said. He's got a sense of humor.
