Thursday, September 1, 2011

Is it a sin to _______ ?

Well, here we are. A new school year is getting in to swing. As everyone settles in to new classes, new schedules, new teachers, new activities, and maybe even some new friends, you will undoubtedly find yourself in all sorts of situations facing difficult choices. All sorts of things will be considered such as academic success, time spent, will it be fun, your reputation, and as a christian, undoubtedly, you are concerned with making the choice God would want you to make.

When it comes to behavior and choices, however, there are some things the bible is very clear on. Some things are clearly prohibited such as lying, stealing, murder, coveting, worshipping idols (Exodus 20). Other commands plainly state behavior we are supposed to engage in such as honoring our parents (Exodus 20:12), caring for orphans and widows (James 1:27), taking a day of rest (Exodus 20:10)

However, there are many things we encounter on a daily basis that the bible SEEMS to be silent on. Is dancing really a bad thing? Is getting a tattoo a sin? Do we have to dress up for church? Is it ok to see that movie or listen to that music?

There are plenty of verses in the bible that make it clear that God does not mess around with sin (James 4:4). Good and evil, right and wrong, are plainly stated as either-or, black-and-white issues. However, on some things there would appear to be a gray area.

This had led some people to claim a "contradiction" and therefore discount the bible entirely. Others claim that if the bible doesn't specifically condemn an action then we are free to do whatever we want. And yet others claim a cautious approach and build a wall of restrictions and habits to help keep from even potentially violating the things God IS clear on in the bible.

So which is it? What is the answer? How do we know what to do?

I'm sure we've all heard statements like "it not about religion, it's a relationship" or "it's what's on the inside that counts" or that we must "have our heart right with God." These are all ways we try to explain that a life spent following Christ is deeper than just following some rules. The truth is that in many of these seemingly "gray" areas it is our attitude more than our actions that make something right or wrong.

Over the following weeks we will take a closer look at some of the things we can do to make sure our attitudes are in line with God's will. When we have the right attitude on the inside, the actions and behaviors will naturally follow.

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